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Helpful tools and resources

Our comprehensive tools and resources library contains everything you need to support you to deliver subsidised training in South Australia, and build the capability of your business.

In this library you will find webinars, downloads, articles, and videos including:

  • professional development and building capability resources
  • official forms, guidelines, templates and FAQs to support you with all aspects of registration and training delivery
  • help with using and accessing systems
  • historical subsidy calculators and STL release information

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Apprentices and trainees29

National Standards for GTOs Compliance Report Audit Template

This template forms part of the compliance audit process involved in becoming a Group Training Organisation (GTO).

National Standards for GTOs Registration Guide South Australia

This guide is for organisations seeking to become Group Training Organisations (GTO). Before you apply to become a GTO, read the National Standards Guide to ensure you comply.

NTO Nomination Instructions

See this guide for help with declining or accepting a nomination as a training provider for an apprentice or trainee.

SAGTP and GTO Boost Guidelines

These guidelines support the South Australian Group Training Program (SAGTP), a program that supports the provision of pastoral care arrangements for apprentices and trainees employed by eligible GTOs in areas of State priority, and for targeted groups.

Sample Higher Education training plan

Use this sample document to help you create training plans for higher education apprenticeships and traineeships.

Sample VET Training Plan

Use this sample training plan as a template to help you create training plans for apprentices and trainees.

Spotlight Session - Traineeships and Apprenticeships

Traineeships and Apprenticeships in SA Information Booklet

Training Plan Endorsement Extension Instructions

Refer to this guide for help with completing an endorsed training plan for your apprentice or trainee.

Form - NTO Notifications (Notification regarding employer or apprentice/trainee)

Form - NTO Obligations (Notifications regarding NTOs)

Form - Transfer to new NTO

Complete and submit this form to notify Traineeship and Apprenticeship Services that the responsibility for delivery of off-job training under a Training Contract has changed from one Nominated Training Organisation (NTO) to another.

Form - Transfer to New Employer

An application can be made by any of the parties to a training contract to substitute the current employer with a new employer. Download and complete this form to apply.

Form - Training Plan

This proforma is for use with Training Contracts for Vocational Education and Training aligned apprenticeships or traineeship pathways.

Form - Training Plan Extension

Download, complete and submit this form to apply for an extension of time for training plans to be endorsed by all parties.

Form - Training Contract Withdrawal

An employer should complete and submit this form to notify Traineeship and Apprenticeship Services of a withdrawal from a Training Contract during the probationary period within seven days of either party withdrawing.

Form - Training Contract Termination

An employer and apprentice/trainee should complete and submit this form when they have agreed to terminate a South Australian Training Contract.

Form - Training Contract Suspension

Complete and submit this form to apply to suspend a Training Contract in South Australia.

Form - Training Contract Extension

Complete and submit this form to apply to extend the term of a Training Contract in South Australia.

Form - Training Contract Completion

Complete and submit this form to notify Traineeship and Apprenticeship Services when there is agreement from the employer, National Training Organisation (NTO) and the trainee/apprentice that they have attained all the competencies required in their trade or vocation.

Form - Request to Exceed Supervision Ratios

Complete and submit this request to exceed the supervision ratio guidelines.

Form - Request for Credit

Complete and submit this form to apply to add or remove credit from a Training Contract.

Form - Probationary Period Extension

Complete and submit this form to apply to extend the probationary period of a Training Contract in South Australia.

Form - Change of Trade Vocation or Qualification

Complete and submit this form to apply to vary the trade/vocation or qualification undertaken through a Training Contract in South Australia.

Form - Change of Hours

Complete and submit this form to apply to vary the hours per week worked under a Training Contract in South Australia, or to vary the employment type between part-time and full-time.

Form - Change of Contact Details

This form is completed and submitted by an apprentice/trainee, parent/guardian or employer to notify Traineeship and Apprenticeship Services (TAS) of a change in contact details.

Form - Application for the declaration of trades and vocations

This form may be used to apply for an occupation to be declared a trade or vocation.

Traineeship and Apprenticeship Pathways Schedule (PDF)

The Traineeship and Apprenticeship Pathways Schedule (TAPS) lists apprenticeship and traineeship occupations in South Australia.

Traineeship and Apprenticeship Pathways Schedule (XLSX)

The Traineeship and Apprenticeship Pathways Schedule (TAPS) lists apprenticeship and traineeship occupations in South Australia.

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AVETMISS Reporting Checklist

Changes to RTO Claims & Payment Process for 2023

Changes to RTO Claims and Payments Process for 2023 - FAQs

Guide to reporting AVETMISS data in South Australia

This guide provides direction on how to comply with AVETMISS reporting requirements in South Australia.


The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has produced a number of fact sheets for RTOs containing in-depth information on AVETMISS reporting, requirements, how to manage data, and much more.

Result Code 70 and Academic Pass Guiding Principles

Some units of competency are eligible for a government subsidy payment for result code 70 and Academic Pass (AP). This code applies to units in some qualifications that require students to achieve both on and off-job competency. Download this document to see the guiding principles.

SA AVETMISS 8.0 Specifications

This document details the South Australian NAT file specifications for AVETMISS reporting.

SA Fund Source Indicators

Use the SA fund source indicators document to help you with AVETMISS reporting.

SA School Location Codes

Use the SA schools location codes list to support you with AVETMISS reporting.

STELA - Apply for access

STELA - AVETMISS 8.0 Validations

Download and refer to this spreadsheet of validations to support your AVETMISS reporting through STELA.

STELA - Obtaining access to STELA

STELA - Direct Entry User Guide

Refer to this user guide if you are completing AVETMISS reporting via STELA Direct Entry.

STELA - NAT Upload User Guide

Refer to this user guide if you are completing AVETMISS reporting via STELA NAT Upload.

STELA - Reporting ESTC training to NAT Upload

STELA - Reporting for ESTC training to 'Direct Entry'

STELA - Reporting Foundation Skills

STELA - Reporting Skill Sets

STELA - Updating Student Enrolment Details

STELA - Unique Student Identifier (USI) Discrepancies Report

Unique Student Identifier Fact Sheet

Refer to this fact sheet for support with the Unique Student Identifier (USI) Discrepancies Report.

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Subsidised training list9

Application to add courses or skill sets to the STL

You can apply to have courses or skill sets added to the STL. Complete the application form and email your application to

Local Skill Sets

Local skill sets have been introduced to support additional training opportunities for young people and job seekers.

Managed Course List current

From 1 July 2021, Quota conditions were removed from the STL, and replaced with Managed Courses. Courses with this condition have a set number of places that can be created per provider, which can be drawn down in the same way as General courses. No additional application or approval processes are required to deliver courses with this condition.

Managed Courses Fact Sheet

From 1 July 2021, Quota conditions were removed from the STL, and replaced with Managed Courses. Courses with this condition have a set number of places that can be created per provider, which can be drawn down in the same way as General courses. No additional application or approval processes are required to deliver courses with this condition.

Spotlight Session - Skill Sets

Spotlight Session - Subsidised Training List

Standard Entitlement Criteria

Applicable to Training Accounts created on or before 14 October 2020.

Subsidised Traineeship and Apprenticeship current

The Skilling South Australia Subsidised Traineeship and Apprenticeship List (STAL) displays courses the Department will fund through training contracts to support the Skilling South Australia initiative.

Training Priority List current

Training Priority List (TPL), displays courses the Department will fund through non-training contract arrangements.

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Subsidy payments13

Academic Pass 70 Approved Units of Competency

Application for Exemption as a person under the Guardianship of the Minister

South Australians aged 16 years or older who are or have been under a Guardianship order of a Government Minister in Australia, are eligible to access fee-free courses on the Subsidised Training List with contracted Training Providers. The usual subsidised training eligibility rules apply.

To apply for a fee exemption, complete the form.

Application for funded training exemption - Special Circumstances

Application to review a subsidy level

You can apply to review the subsidy amount paid for a course. Download and complete the application form, then email your application to

AUR Automotive Training Package for AP70

CHC Community Services Training Package

Historical Subsidy Rates

HLT Health Training Package

Result Code 70 and Academic Pass Guiding Principles

Some units of competency are eligible for a government subsidy payment for result code 70 and Academic Pass (AP). This code applies to units in some qualifications that require students to achieve both on and off-job competency. Download this document to see the guiding principles.

SHB Hairdressing Training Package

Skills and Employment Portal - Data collection, view claims and payments

The Skills & Employment Portal is an Information Management Portal that provides access to a number of functions including creation of a Participant Profile, Training Account and Claims and Payments. This User Guide assumes that the user has access to the Portal and is intended to assist with the following:

  • explanation about linkage between Participant Profile and Training Account data;
  • matching data between AVETMISS in STELA and Training Account in the Portal;
  • processes for submitting accurate and compliant claims for a subsidy payment; and
  • claim errors with meaningful descriptions and suggested action for each error.

Training Fee Framework

UEE Electro Technology Training Package

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Systems access15

ATLAS - Help and how to

ATLAS - How to navigate

ATLAS - Frequently Asked Questions

Request ATLAS portal access

Request access to the ATLAS Portal by downloading and completing this form.

ATLAS - Submitting an application

ATLAS - Submitting an NTO nomination response

Download these instructions for information on how to submit a Nominated Training Organisation (NTO) nomination response using the ATLAS portal.

ATLAS - Submitting Training Plan endorsements and extensions

Download and read the instructions to learn how to submit endorsements or extensions to training plans using the ATLAS portal.

Skills and Employment Portal - Data collection, view claims and payments

The Skills & Employment Portal is an Information Management Portal that provides access to a number of functions including creation of a Participant Profile, Training Account and Claims and Payments. This User Guide assumes that the user has access to the Portal and is intended to assist with the following:

  • explanation about linkage between Participant Profile and Training Account data;
  • matching data between AVETMISS in STELA and Training Account in the Portal;
  • processes for submitting accurate and compliant claims for a subsidy payment; and
  • claim errors with meaningful descriptions and suggested action for each error.

Skills and Employment Portal - Help

Skills and Employment Portal – User Guide – Participant Profile and Training Account Management

The Skills & Employment Portal is an Information Management Portal that provides access to a number of functions – Participant Profile, Training Account, Claims and Projects (where applicable). This User Guide provides you with instructions on how to successfully login to the Portal, change your password and amend your personal details.

To gain access to the Portal, each user requires their own login. See the guide for more details.

Skills and Employment Portal - Reporting Instructions

The Skills and Employment Portal is an online system used by contracted recipients and nominated Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). This document explains the use of the Portal by recipients delivering a Skilling South Australia (SSA) Project through a Funded Activities Agreement (FAA).

Skills and Employment Portal - User agreement

Download and review this user agreement for the terms and conditions related to online access to the Skills and Employment Portal.

Skills and Employment Portal - Access request form

Download and complete this form in relation to usage of the Skills and Employment Portal. Specifically, you can make a New Access Request, Amendment Request or Deactivation Request.

STELA - Direct Entry User Guide

Refer to this user guide if you are completing AVETMISS reporting via STELA Direct Entry.

STELA - NAT Upload User Guide

Refer to this user guide if you are completing AVETMISS reporting via STELA NAT Upload.

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VET for school students10

Fact sheet on evidence of existence and address for school students

Training providers must ensure learners’ existence and eligibility for subsidised training, and retain records of it under the FAA. Read the fact sheet for more information.

Information contained in the reading, numeracy or writing assessment report

This fact sheet relates to information contained in the reading, numeracy or writing assessment report as part of the CSPA Interpretation Report.

Instructional guide on the school student VET referral online form

An instructional guide to help training providers complete the School Student VET Referral form.

VETRO UAN process map

Updated process map for conducting the Upfront Assessment of Need including VETRO.

VET for school students approved evidence for completion of a relevant VET pathway guide

The guide is designed to ensure that there is clarity on what is accepted evidence to demonstrate a school student has completed a relevant VET Pathway to meet eligibility requirements.

VET for school students list current

The finalised list of subsidised courses available to school students, with an effective date of 5 September 2023 is now available to assist training providers and schools with planning for delivery. These courses have been agreed as providing school students with Flexible Industry Pathways that lead to employment in key growth industries in South Australia.

VET for School Students Guidelines for Training Providers

From 1 July 2021 training providers will need to use the new VET for School Students Guidelines for students seeking to commence a subsidised course from Semester 1, 2022.

VETRO reports frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions regarding VETRO Reports for school students.

VETRO reports instructional video

VETRO UAN guidelines

VETRO UAN Guidelines, effective 15 January 2024.

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