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Historical Release Notes - STL 7.0 effective 01 July 2021

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  • Historical Release Notes - STL 7.0 effective 01 July 2021

Subsidised Training List 7.0 (STL 7.0)

Effective 01 July 2021

The STL communicates the vocational education and training (VET) courses that attract public subsidy.

The release of STL 7.0 reflects routine updates including the removal of courses that have expired, are superseded or not utilised nationally. STL 7.0 identifies courses and skill sets available to support Job Trainer, Skilling South Australia and VET Commissioning through the Subsidised Traineeship and Apprenticeship List (STAL) and the Training Priority List (TPL).

Skilling South Australia Subsidised Traineeship and Apprenticeship List (STAL) - Displays courses the Department will fund through training contracts to support the Skilling South Australia initiative.

Training Priority List (TPL) - Displays courses the Department will fund through non-training contract arrangements.