Creating a sustainable training system
The South Australian Government’s Department of State Development plays a lead role in shaping the state’s economic future, including investing in quality training to develop the skilled workforce our industries need.
We’re driving a modern skills strategy to ensure investment in training is connected to real employment outcomes while building training provider businesses. Our aim is to strengthen the funded training system to create focus, certainty and stability in the sector while promoting the value of a trade, boosting apprenticeships, and encouraging entrepreneurship in the younger generation.
Our strategic initiatives and projects are designed to:
- Respond to increased demand in vocations and trades
- Develop the skilled workforce industry needs
- Provide more choice for students
- Strengthen the future of the VET sector.

We want your business to succeed
We’re here to help training providers run successful businesses, develop the capability of their own workforce, and provide high quality training – it’s about helping you to do business better and thrive in a competitive market.
We offer:
- Funding for the delivery of VET courses and skill sets
- Professional development opportunities for VET practitioners and RTO staff
- Capability and capacity building at the enterprise and sector level to develop the SA training market
- Strategic project initiatives to support innovation across the sector
- Opportunities for you to inform the system with your knowledge and experience to align skills supply to industry demand
- Investment in the continuum of training from Adult Community Education (ACE), to Foundation Skills, to higher level training.
We want to partner with you to help more people get skills and qualifications to build lasting careers while supporting the success of your business.