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STELA - Obtaining access to STELA

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  • STELA - Obtaining access to STELA

The Student Training Enrolment Logistics Application (STELA) is an online application enabling training organisations to report their VET activity in a format that complies with both National AVETMISS and South Australian reporting specifications and requirements.

There are two ways to submit your South Australian Total VET activity into STELA:

NAT UPLOAD - Training organisations using AVETMISS compliant Student Management Systems (SMS) will need to produce a set of NAT Files from their SMS, validate them using the NCVER online AVETMISS Validation Software (AVS), and upload NAT Files into STELA.

DIRECT ENTRY (V2) - Training organisations can report their VET activity by directly entering data into STELA Direct Entry which fully complies with the AVETMIS Standard.

Obtaining access to STELA

To request access to STELA, users will need to complete the ‘Online STELA application form’. Each individual user must apply for their own login and agree to the terms and conditions set out in the user agreement.

Users will need to provide details of a Delegate within their TO who can authorise* the access request. Once approved by the nominated Delegate the request will be forwarded to the STELA helpdesk for processing via email. Account details will be forwarded to nominated user via email within 5 business days of receiving the request.

*authorisation is required to permit users to access and create data on behalf of the delegate’s organisation.

STELA Helpdesk

Call 1800 673 097 or email