Before delivery
Before you can start delivering subsidised training, there are a few actions you need to take, and things you need to know.
Apply for a Funded Activities Agreement (FAA)
To deliver government subsidised activities, you need to apply and be approved for funding through this Agreement.
Once you have your FAA, you can apply for projects across accredited training, apprenticeships and traineeships and non-accredited activities.
Prior to submitting an application for an FAA, RTOs are encouraged to contact Skills SA at to discuss application requirements. Skills SA is happy to meet with prospective applicants to answer any queries.
Review Subsidised Training List (STL)
Take a look at this list to see all subsidised courses and qualifications (you can deliver any that are on your ASQA scope).
This list is periodically updated and you can review notes on each release, including any courses that may have been removed, replacement courses, and managed courses.
Upfront Assessment of Need
To ensure every subsidised student gets the support they need to successfully complete their training, you must complete an Upfront Assessment of Need, or UAN, for them prior to creating a training account. VET Readiness Orientation (VETRO) UAN is a subset of the UAN that applies to school students seeking access to subsidised training.
To get started, read the UAN Guidelines and the UAN Process Summary for information on your obligations. Once you’ve reviewed the documents, contact Skills SA at to set up a time for a Skills SA officer to take you through the process and help you to embed the UAN into your organisation.
Complete an organisational self-assessment
As a training provider delivering subsidised training in South Australia, you must support your students in a range of ways. These ways are set out in the Skills SA Student Support Standards.
To demonstrate you meet the Student Support Standards, every 12 months you need to complete an organisational self-assessment. This involves filling out an organisational self-assessment form and submitting it to Skills SA for approval.
If you have questions about the self-assessment process, you can contact Skills SA at
Sign an SWS Partnership Agreement
Success and Wellbeing Services, or SWS, is a Skills SA program that offers free tailored support to every subsidised student whenever they need it during their learning journey, from the moment they enrol until 12 weeks after they’ve completed their course.
Once your organisational self-assessment form has been approved by Skills SA, you must negotiate an SWS Partnership Agreement with any of the five SWS providers. You can have more than one active Partnership Agreement at a time.
After you and your SWS provider have both signed the Partnership Agreement, you need to email a copy to Skills SA.
Skills SA have developed a range of SWS promotional materials you may wish to use when promoting the service to your students.
Reach potential candidates
In addition to SWS, we can provide you with tools, information and help with marketing to potential training candidates. See the Provider’s Toolkit for materials.
Check eligibility for funding
You can check the eligibility of your business or students for financial support using our eligibility tools.
Participant Agreement
A Participant Agreement Form must be completed at the time of first enrolment for each new participant with your organisation.
Participant Agreement Forms are not required for subsequent enrolments with the same organisation.
You are not required to forward a copy to the Department but must retain the original document for your records.
Deliver training
When you're ready to deliver training, there's a few more things you need to know depending on who your students are, and to claim subsidies.
Create and manage training accounts
We have online systems in place to enable you to manage your training accounts and make claims for subsidies.
Get to know the systems and what you need to use them for at System access.
Training School Students
Some processes are different for training candidates who are still in school.
See everything you need to know at Training School Students.
Training Apprentices and Trainees
There are specific responsibilities and processes for providers delivering training to apprentices and trainees.
See everything you need to know at Apprentices and Trainees.
Delivery Progress and Payments
You need to claim your subsidy payments at the completion of each unit of competency. You will need to submit AVETMISS data to receive a subsidy and support this process.
All VET subsidies for accredited training are done in the standard system for training account payments.
See more information in Reporting requirements.