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Start delivering subsidised training

What do you want to do?

Shapes supporting skilled careers 2

Train School Students

What you need to know about delivering subsidised training to school students.
Shapes supporting skilled careers 1

Train Apprentices and Trainees

What you need to know about delivering subsidised training to apprentices and trainees.
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Become a GTO

You can apply to become a Group Training Organisation which employs apprentices and trainees and places them with host businesses.

System access

Find out more about our systems, what they are used for, how to register and login for the first time.

200212 DIS ANMEC 0075


It is a contractual requirement that training organisations with a funding agreement collect and report statistical data which aligns with the AVETMIS Standard in relation to any VET training activity they have delivered.
181004 DIS SARA 062

Subsidy payments

Learn about subsidy payments, how they are calculated and the factors that influence the rate of subsidy. You can also access tools to help you estimate the rate of subsidy for the courses you deliver under your contract.