Equipment and Capital Grants are a $9 million investment over three years by the South Australian Government to build the capability and capacity of TAFE SA, not-for-profit and industry-based providers.
The grants support state-of-the-art training facilities, contemporary infrastructure and technology, and industry-relevant equipment aligned with areas of skill demand and economic priorities in our state, including:
- higher retention and VET completions for South Australian students
- increased access to and delivery of foundation skills training, and improved transitions between ACE and VET
- increased access to training and engagement of Aboriginal students and students living in regional areas
- innovative training products and delivery (including new technologies), particularly in response to local and emerging skill needs.
Why the investment?
The South Australian Government continues to invest in the state’s vocational education and training (VET) system to skill South Australia’s workforce for today and the future.
The South Australian Skills Outlook identified over the next five years an estimated 90,500 VET qualifications will need to be delivered to meet South Australia’s demand for skills.