What is Success and Wellbeing Services?
Free support for every student, from the moment they enrol, throughout their studies, and for 12 weeks after they’ve completed their course.
Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS), is designed to empower your students through access to flexible, timely, and confidential support when they need it. We assign an experienced and dedicated Success and Wellbeing Coach to provide tailored support to help students get back on track, and bring their goals within reach.
SWS is a State Government funded program where we work in partnership with you to make sure each VET student gets the support they need and can succeed in their training, irrespective of their life situations.
Life can be hard. It’s full of ups and downs and changes and trials. And sometimes, it can be extremely overwhelming and demanding.
If your students are struggling, reach out. We’ll help out.
Whatever your students need
Just as each student’s journey is different, our services are never one-size-fits-all. This support is based on each person’s unique needs. That means Success and Wellbeing Services can look different for every student and could include:
- Study skills support
- Talking to your trainers about disability adjustments you might need
- Helping to manage financial stress and connections to services
- Support with accessing domestic violence services
- Help to find accommodation
- Accessing carer supports
- Connections to mental health services and support throughout the journey
- Supporting you to manage a tricky family relationship
- Support to work out transport issues
- A listening ear and an opportunity regularly touch base
- Planning what’s next and support to prepare for job hunting
- Support to work out what support you need!
- And much more, nothing is off limits!

New marketing materials for RTOs
We’ve created relatable and engaging marketing materials to help you start a conversation with students, and let them know they can access free support.
Our new communications tools can help raise student awareness that help is here when they need it. New inspiring stories shared by real students who have achieved their study and employment goals, are great examples to show students and could help them feel more comfortable about asking for help.
Our Toolkit contains a range of items to support you, including:
- Printable posters
- Printable flyers
- Animated videos to share via social media which tell students all about Success and Wellbeing Services and our Success and Wellbeing Coaches.
- Real life case study videos
- A power point presentation template to assist with student information sessions
- EDM content examples to share with students in your database

Helping you boost retention
Early intervention through Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS) keeps students on track to achieve their study and employment goals.
That’s why we developed SWS with a unique partnership model, where we work together to provide students with the support, services, tools and resources they need, through a professional and dedicated Success and Wellbeing Coach.
Success and Wellbeing Services can help you boost retention and completion rates while enhancing your bottom line.
Although we’re always here, the sooner you reach out to us, the more we can achieve together.
The focus of SWS is:
- students who are facing complex barriers to completing their training, or
- who are falling behind, or
- may be at risk of withdrawing from training.
Eligible students are those who are enrolled in a qualification listed on the STL or are undertaking accredited training in a Skills SA subsidised project, including:
- Apprentices and trainees
- School enrolled students undertaking subsidised VET
- Fee for Service students in classes with subsidised students
Students must also:
- Have support needs that require individualised support beyond the normal supports an RTO is expected to provide.
- Their support needs are or could impact on their ability to sustain their participation or complete the course.
If you are unsure how complex the student’s needs are it is fine to refer the student for an initial discussion with a Success and Wellbeing Coach. The student might also benefit from support from both you and the Coach.
For students to access Success and Wellbeing Services SWS, the enrolling NTO must have a Success and Wellbeing Services agreement in place with one or more of the five contracted providers.
If you already have a Partnership Agreement with an SWS provider this is the same thing! You’re good to go.
To enable a Success and Wellbeing Services Partnership Agreement, providers must first complete an Organisational Self-Assessment and have this approved by Skills SA. See the Organisational Self-Assessment Template and Guide.
NTOs can access further information about how SWS works, how to contract with SWS and contact details of all SWS Providers
There are five Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS) provider organisations. You can choose which provider you want to work with. Your RTO can have a partnership agreement with one or more of them.
Once you have an agreement in place you will have a key contact within the SWS provider. One or more Coaches will be assigned to support students in your RTO. We try to match student needs with Coaches who can best support them. This may change depending on the issues presented.
Each referred student will be assigned a single Coach to support them throughout their training journey. This means your student doesn’t have to keep repeating their story and can develop a trusting relationship with their Coach.
Every organisation with an FAA must have a Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS) Partnership Agreement with one or more of the Success and Wellbeing Services providers.
If you’re not sure if you have one already, just email Skills SA and we can find out for you purchaseplanningandstrategy@sa.gov.au.
The Organisational Self-Assessment is a means to understand how training organisations support their students through environment, access, inclusivity, policies and processes, and to ensure Success and Wellbeing Services will be an effective complimentary service to what the training organisation already provides.
If you have any questions at all about completing the self-assessment, email Skills SA at purchaseplanningandstrategy@sa.gov.au and we will get in touch for a chat.
Once your partnership agreement is signed you can start referring students. You can contact the Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS) provider yourself (with your student’s permission).
You can also encourage your students to refer themselves. They can call or email the SWS provider or use the Find my Success and Wellbeing Provider tool on the MyTraining website to request a call back.
You should provide the contact details of your SWS provider to your students. Remind them of these on a regular basis.
You can also contact your SWS provider to discuss whether to refer a particular student, and they can give you advice about how to encourage a student to accept a referral.
If your student is reluctant to make a call but is willing to be contacted by the Success and Wellbeing Coach, you can ask the Coach to contact the student.
The Coach will organise to meet with the student in person, by phone or online. The service is mobile so the Coach can come to a convenient place to meet the student. This could include at your RTO, at their workplace or another location like a public library or café.
If they are going to meet at your premises, you should ensure you can provide a private space for this to happen. This will enable confidentiality.
Yes! On the MyTraining website students can complete a form requesting a call back from a Success and Wellbeing Coach. They can look-up who your SWS provider is and can initiate their own referral.
Every RTO who holds a Funded Activities Agreement (FAA) with Skills SA must, at all times, have a current Success and Wellbeing Services Partnership Agreement in place.
If you have any questions about the steps to ensure compliance or anything else about:
- Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS)
- the SWS Partnership Agreement
- the Student Support Standards Self-Assessment.
Contact us at Skills SA at purchaseplanningandstrategy@sa.gov.au We’re here to help you!