We’re supporting the uptake of apprenticeships and traineeships.
We fund community-based organisations to deliver projects that help people develop foundation skills in language, literacy, numeracy, computing and personal skills.
For more information, see Adult and Community Education funding.
Training Priority Projects (TPP) support innovative approaches to skilling and workforce development to drive productivity and participation improvements through skills for sectors, regions and communities.
Training Priority Projects for 2022-23 is now fully subscribed and applications are closed.
If your regional apprentice or trainee travels more than 150km to attend training, your business may be able to claim on their travel and accommodation costs.
For more information, see Travel and Accommodation Allowance.
The State Government is partnering with training organisations to deliver low-fee courses in growth industries through JobTrainer.
JobTrainer is investing in skills and training in priority sectors as the economy begins to recover and grow. For more information, see JobTrainer.